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Questions at Night

is the day?

what starts the thunder overhead?
who makes the crashing noise?
are the angels falling out of bed?
are they breaking all their toys?

why does the sun go down so soon?
why do the night-clouds crawl
hungrily up to the new-laid moon
and swallow it, shell and all?

if there's a bear among the stars,
as all the people say,
won't he jump over those pasture-bars
and drink up the milky way?

does every star that happens to fall
turn into a firefly?
can't it ever get back to Heaven at all?
and why
is the sky

poem written by Louis Uttermeyer
-this poem was about children that were naturally full of curiosity,.their interest in the world around them is boundless..n by reading books, they become part of the world n close to earth,air,sky..
-reading also encourage them to be a critical reader by extract meaning from texts through experiencing, hypothesizing, exploring n synthesizing which is bring good to their development of self-concept..


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